Anyways, when I write, I usually write a little bit and then go somewhere and then write something else later. So I just got back from the grocery store where we rented two movies from the redbox (this box that vends dvds for $1 a night):
Inkheart and Marley & Me. They better be good! When we were at the store we also bought this giant, cheap tub of chocolate c
hip ice cream. And I found out that we have almonds at home. YUM. Anh and Bettina, if you guys read this, you should come pig out on ice cream with me sometime this week ;D. Usually Bettina always has ice cream so we go freeload off of her.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
driving SHOULD be fun
OMG, I just came back from driving from the Great Mall. I was supposed to drive to the mall to get new glasses, but she wouldn't let me. So instead she let me drive home from the Great Mall. It should have been fun, right? Wrong! It was stressful as anything because my mom wouldn't stop freaking out and arguing and yelling at everything I did! UGHHHH. Basically everything I did, she freaked out about. I looked behind my shoulder and she said that I didn't. I stopped at a stop sign and she said that I didn't stop for a long enough time or something. I sware, she was so stressed that it made me stressed too. Driving is usually enjoyable. But with her, it's like I have to watch EVERYTHING I do. GAH, I hate it. From now on, I'm going to try and drive with my dad. Ok, enough venting about this.
Call me or something; I'm bored here at home and there's nothing to do except facebook and blog. omg, talking about ice cream makes me want some, especially in this hot, summer weather, but I'll have to wait until after dinner :(
tumblr is confusing

Monday, June 29, 2009
happy times
I was cleaning and organizing some of my shelves yesterday and I wondered upon some journals and cards. Some of them made me sad. Like one of them, a christmas card from one a girl that used to be my best friend. The letter said:
"My maggie <3, omg, I've known you for like one year and 3 or 4 months and you've already become my best friend. Holy moly! How totally awesome! I may have more than one best friend, but you better know that your my bestest friend in the whole entire world! I <3 U SOOOOOO MUCH!"
That letter was from about 3 or 4 years ago and now I barely talk to her. It makes me sad. There were a few letters like that. I guess over time people get new friends, but I like to remember the happy times that we had together. After I reorganized a few things, I had to go clean more of the house b/c my aunt, uncle, and cousin were coming over. It was super, super hot yesterday so we went for a swim and then after I went to go babysit. The kid I was taking care of is pretty cute. She was playing peek-a-boo with this statue of Buddha XD.
Nothing noteworthy happened today. Just Physics class and then when I got home, no one was there, yet again. But I had a key this time so it was ok. I didn't have to sit out in the backyard, locked out of the house, like a loser. Later I was browsing the internet for cars. Albert is crazy. This is his future car...
Better give me a ride when you get it!
"My maggie <3, omg, I've known you for like one year and 3 or 4 months and you've already become my best friend. Holy moly! How totally awesome! I may have more than one best friend, but you better know that your my bestest friend in the whole entire world! I <3 U SOOOOOO MUCH!"
That letter was from about 3 or 4 years ago and now I barely talk to her. It makes me sad. There were a few letters like that. I guess over time people get new friends, but I like to remember the happy times that we had together. After I reorganized a few things, I had to go clean more of the house b/c my aunt, uncle, and cousin were coming over. It was super, super hot yesterday so we went for a swim and then after I went to go babysit. The kid I was taking care of is pretty cute. She was playing peek-a-boo with this statue of Buddha XD.
Nothing noteworthy happened today. Just Physics class and then when I got home, no one was there, yet again. But I had a key this time so it was ok. I didn't have to sit out in the backyard, locked out of the house, like a loser. Later I was browsing the internet for cars. Albert is crazy. This is his future car...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
absolutely exhausted

I had to get up at like 6:00 am today :( I like sleeping in because I have to wake up early anyways for Physics. So I woke up, gave Wilson Cheah 2 wake-up calls (super heavy sleeper!) and then got a ride to Mission Peak. It was crowded! No parking so we parked super far away. On the way up to the top of Mission Peak, I seriously wanted to get rid of my camera. I brought my slr and it was heavy... But I made it to the top with it and back down with it too. Thanks for hiking up with me Tim Kim! Although when we were walking backwards, you almost pushed me over >:O (look at Tim's face in the picture XD) When we got to the top of Mission Peak, you could see everything, but I couldn't take pictures with my digital camera because the battery died. I signed my name on the rock/ weird thing that was up there. Now I will be there forever! Such a sense of accomplishment when you finally get up :D On the way down, I slipped. Not too badly, just kinda fell a little. I am not a klutz! At least I didn't run down the hill like some people...
Hmm after that, we went to Wilson's house while everyone else (Tim, Perry, Tomy, Vince and his sister, Jesse, Hieu) went to Burger King; what fatties XD We washed our hands at Wilson's house and he gave us these huge towels just to dry our hands with. What a waste of a towel! Dinh was afraid of his dog, but his dog was so lazy and cute. It didn't even bark or anything, but she was still afraid. After that we went to Jamba Juice and Taco Bell. Jamba Juice was refreshing :) Strawberry surf rider tastes just like lemonade except kinda better. Good on a super hot day like today.
After jamba we went to Smash City. I was so tired though. Not playing for a long time makes you suck. At least I got my racket regripped, the grip on it was super nasty. These two other people challenged Wilson and I. I thought we might lose badly, but we won the first game! good job loser! Anyways, the guy was from Mt. Pleasant and the girl was from Indie. I was exhausted after the first game so we lost the second game :( Oh well, all in good fun.
Finally I got home! one was home and I had no key...which means that I had to wait in the backyard for a while until someone showed up. Wilson stayed for a little bit and got to see my backyard. Don't worry, it wasn't that hot outside. I coulda broke in, but that might look suspicious and it would be potentially dangerous. I'd probably fall... So while I was waiting, I was just listening to music on my phone while I put my feet in the pool. So relaxing :) Then I went on the swings for a little bit. I called my dad later to see when he was getting home and then my sister answered and said that they were already in the house! wow...
Took a shower when I got in. Then went to Costco later... yum, first meal of the day! Well, if you count jamba juice then second meal. I was starving! I think imma go to bed earlier then usual tonight. Apparantly there's some kind of family party tomorrow and I just found out now so we'll probably have to get up early and clean the house...ughh.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
friendship bracelets
My summer to-do list is getting longer and longer. This just got added to the list: start BLOGGING! Seems like so much fun. Telling people and random stalkers about your day. (i hope there's no random stalkers reading this...)
Two days ago was Anh Thai's surprise birthday party. I went and biked over to Karen Ngo's house and it was so weird while I was biking; I saw Sarah Than so she was just running along with me while I biked. After that, Di-an Duong gave us rides basically everywhere. She just got her license like two weeks ago and now she's transporting people illegally in her car. First she drove us to the mall which was like seconds away from Karen Ngo's house and she kept driving all crazy in the parking lot. We went to the mall to look for her "rainbows" (some brand of flip-flop, incredibly expensive). We were hoping we wouldn't run into Anh Thai because her birthday party was supposed to be a surprise. She was supposed to go watch a movie but instead we tricked her with a pool party, hehe. I think she still wanted to watch that movie...but oh well, she was stuck with us. So, we saw her at the mall and immediately we all went to hide from her, except Di-an, because she wasn't supposed to see us. Sarah Liaw pulled me out of the way and we hid behind some poles, but she still saw us. Di-an went to go feed some lies to Anh to make her unaware about the secret party that was planned later, hahaha. After the mall, Di-an drove us to her house (more like next to her house so her mom wouldn't see her driving us) and then we went to get some milk tea. Di-an makes me jealous; I want my license now! After the pool party, we went to sen dai <3>So yesterday, I learned how to make friendship bracelets, proud! :D If you want one, I can make it! I just need to buy some string
There was nothing to do in physics so everyone was just making them. I'm starting to feel sorry for the teacher because she seems like a nice lady. Everyone is just facebooking and going online all the time.
When I got up this morning, I was dead tired. I never have any time to eat breakfast anymore because of the physics class in the morning. Then after class there was a How I Met Your Mother Marathon. I thought no one knew what that show was, but apparantly I got invited to the movie marathon. Luckily, there was food there. Fried rice, I never eat that at home! And some kind of custard buns that Albert Chang said were SOO good and godly. I though they were just ok. He over exaggerated...
I had to leave early from the marathon and we only got to like the second disk of Season One. Seriously, if you have a chance, watch some How I Met Your Mother. Nothing compared to Grey's Anatomy (my all time favorite T.V. show) but still, it's pretty funny.
Now I have to babysit. Which, isn't a bad thing. I like kids. Yesterday, Albert Chang said that he "loved little kids." I personally would not say it like that. Sounds so pedophilish. Finally I get a job, well kinda. If you count babysitting. I get paid! I'm not sure how much yet, but I'll take ANYTHING I can get ;D not desperate!
My summer to-do list is getting longer and longer. This just got added to the list: start BLOGGING! Seems like so much fun. Telling people and random stalkers about your day. (i hope there's no random stalkers reading this...)
Two days ago was Anh Thai's surprise birthday party. I went and biked over to Karen Ngo's house and it was so weird while I was biking; I saw Sarah Than so she was just running along with me while I biked. After that, Di-an Duong gave us rides basically everywhere. She just got her license like two weeks ago and now she's transporting people illegally in her car. First she drove us to the mall which was like seconds away from Karen Ngo's house and she kept driving all crazy in the parking lot. We went to the mall to look for her "rainbows" (some brand of flip-flop, incredibly expensive). We were hoping we wouldn't run into Anh Thai because her birthday party was supposed to be a surprise. She was supposed to go watch a movie but instead we tricked her with a pool party, hehe. I think she still wanted to watch that movie...but oh well, she was stuck with us. So, we saw her at the mall and immediately we all went to hide from her, except Di-an, because she wasn't supposed to see us. Sarah Liaw pulled me out of the way and we hid behind some poles, but she still saw us. Di-an went to go feed some lies to Anh to make her unaware about the secret party that was planned later, hahaha. After the mall, Di-an drove us to her house (more like next to her house so her mom wouldn't see her driving us) and then we went to get some milk tea. Di-an makes me jealous; I want my license now! After the pool party, we went to sen dai <3>So yesterday, I learned how to make friendship bracelets, proud! :D If you want one, I can make it! I just need to buy some string
There was nothing to do in physics so everyone was just making them. I'm starting to feel sorry for the teacher because she seems like a nice lady. Everyone is just facebooking and going online all the time.
When I got up this morning, I was dead tired. I never have any time to eat breakfast anymore because of the physics class in the morning. Then after class there was a How I Met Your Mother Marathon. I thought no one knew what that show was, but apparantly I got invited to the movie marathon. Luckily, there was food there. Fried rice, I never eat that at home! And some kind of custard buns that Albert Chang said were SOO good and godly. I though they were just ok. He over exaggerated...
I had to leave early from the marathon and we only got to like the second disk of Season One. Seriously, if you have a chance, watch some How I Met Your Mother. Nothing compared to Grey's Anatomy (my all time favorite T.V. show) but still, it's pretty funny.
Now I have to babysit. Which, isn't a bad thing. I like kids. Yesterday, Albert Chang said that he "loved little kids." I personally would not say it like that. Sounds so pedophilish. Finally I get a job, well kinda. If you count babysitting. I get paid! I'm not sure how much yet, but I'll take ANYTHING I can get ;D not desperate!
Albert Chang,
Anh Thai,
Sarah Liaw,
Sarah Than
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