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allysUnx (9:35:01 PM): im getting you tomorrow allysUnx (9:35:09 PM): writting it all over the walls and EVERYTHING maggster979 (9:36:55 PM): really now... maggster979 (9:37:07 PM): people will think you're... maggster979 (9:37:25 PM): CRAZY maggster979 (9:37:33 PM): maybe you are... maggster979 (9:37:51 PM): if you see big, red letters, then you are crazy maggster979 (9:38:03 PM): if you see big, green letters... maggster979 (9:38:16 PM): then you LOVE german delicacies 
allysUnx (9:38:38 PM): SHUT UP allysUnx (9:38:39 PM): SHUT UP allysUnx (9:38:41 PM): you jerk! allysUnx (9:38:45 PM): i thought this was a real puzzle! allysUnx (9:38:47 PM): woooow maggster979 (9:38:48 PM): :] maggster979 (9:38:51 PM): LOLOLOLOOL
First thing first. We got new teams for volleyball! And I am so glad. Although, today some person on my new team totally pushed me aside to get the ball which caused my glasses to fall off. He shoved into my head and at first it kind of hurt a little, but I think it hurt him more than it hurt me. Our team is pretty funny also. When the ball came over, one guy hit it right into someone's face and both teams fell on the ground laughing. It was hilarious, but you had to be there.
Second thing second. Yesterday after tutoring, I went to El Torito's for this Kiwanis dinner. I met a whole bunch of Kiwanians and ate some Mexican food for free :) It was actually pretty fun, but awkward at times. The man sitting in front of me went to Cal Poly and majored in architecture or something. A bunch of them were talking about what a blog was. LOL. Rhodan and I had to explain it, telling them what you write about, what websites it's on etc. It was really funny because afterwards Dorothy, Greg, Rhodan, and I went to Blush to get some dessert. Dorothy and Greg, who were sitting at the other table in El Toritos, told us how Ms. Weiss got a little buzzed. They said she spilled her drink and was really happy and everything. When I told her goodbye, she did seem rather cheerful. Oh btw Albert and Sarah, I got Chocolate frozen yogurt. There's limited flavors there. That's why I like Orangetree better :D
Today: We had some major issues during band practice. We pretty much suck and I don't know if we can get much better. We need to work on focusing, working harder, listening, marching better etc. All of that stuff if we don't wanna be super embarrassed at Cupertino or at other future competitions. Almost forgot, I need bus buddies! Right now, I only have two bus buddies...Allyson for Indie and Sarah for Folsom. Anyone interested in being my bus buddy?? I will be very lonely, but maybe not as lonely as Sarah who didn't have very many bus buddies last year XD.
Special thanks to Sarah for not making that much fun of me today and giving me some high fives! I got like...6 high fives today! Special NO THANKS to Albert Chang, Wilson Yu, and Perry Pham who, like always, make fun of me for everything and don't give me real high fives. (only the occasional pity high five D:)

By the, I didn't wish for you! XD
11:11. A time when you are supposed to wish. A few days ago, Wilson Cheah told me that he missed 11:11 by one minute. I was curious to what the deal with wishing at this time was, so I decided to do some research. The research was pretty minimal because it was already past 11 and I was getting pretty sleepy. Here are the rules:
1) You have to look at a clock and it has to already be 11:11. You cannot look at the clock at 11:08 and wait until 11:11 to make a wish. In other words, the wish has to be spontaneous and unexpected.
2) You cannot look back at the clock until 11:11 has past. If you look back, your wish is blown.
So, I'm going to try and start looking at the clock more often. Although, I'm never really completely awake at 11:11 PM.
Mondays are always, always, always tiring. Our volleyball team lost. I don't really know the exact score. I really wish that I could've picked more of my team... I picked 2 people in total and this other guy wanted to be on my team for some reason. When he came, I was like....uhh why me?? And, he isn't very good. (No offense) I know that I may seem...nice and cheerful on the outside. I say, "Okay. Try to get it over next time," or something like that. Inside, I'm thinking, "Wow. Omg, why are you on my team..." Only to maybe two of the players on my team. It may not seem like it, but I am pretty competitive. I like to win and hate to lose. Winning isn't everything, but it feels awesome when you do win
I don't know my top picks for positions for Journalism! Some people said sports editor, but I like news. Maybe Ad manager? Or entertainment, or features??? So many choices.
Today after school I went to the C4 meeting with Tim and Albert. There were a lot of new people and some veterans to C4 as well. 34 members is a lot. Yes, I want to do C4 because it's pretty fun, but at the same time, I'm not sure if I will do it due to the time it takes :[
After the meeting, Anh Thai, Sarah Liaw, and I went to Sarah's
house and just kind of relaxed for a bit. Basically we went upstairs and started looking at yearbooks. She had one from Curtner and two from Russell. Everyone looked soo cute back then. And some people, I don't even recognize. Then, we went into Sarah's room and went on the computer. Sarah's obsessed with Wicked. I really really want to watch Wicked! Sarah and I were planning a trip to see Wicked, but I'm not certain that this trip will actually become a reality. Hopefully though! We did a few other things at Sarah's. Looked at Wicked 3 drill, looked at Wicked videos on Youtube, listened to Wicked songs... It was pretty fun actually.
At about 7ish we went over to the carnival at St. John's. I kind of expected more to the carnvial. There were a few rides and some games. There was also different kinds of food and a pony ride. We decided not to go on any rides. I was kind of glad because that night I totally got addicted to chocolate raisins (and I don't like raisins!) We watched Swan's band play a few songs and then Sarah's mom came to come pick us up. We went to That's Yogurt and then back to Sarah's.
Sarah told me some "secrets" about her life. Don't worry Sarah, I won't reveal them hers! I told her like one of mine, but it wasn't really anything. I find that I don't tell people things. I keep all secrets to myself because it's easier that way. Sometimes it's good to tell someone because then you know that you don't have to hide it anymore to only yourself. But at the same time, I won't tell you any big secrets Sarah! :P
Upon Albert's request, here you go. This post was supposed to be short, but I guess I couldn't stop typing...
Monday was a pretty unorganized, chaotic, counterproductive day. Most people, dreading practice because of the intense heat, went outside and formed a block to go and march down to the field. Little did we know that a few of those people forgot their drill, music, stuff like that.
We basically worked on the same two sets for about an hour. Yes, everyone was getting tired of it. And then finally, Mr. Kaldy just gave up. He literally gave up. At first, I thought to myself, "What the? Is her serious?" I wouldn't blame him because practice went terrible. We actually got worse. I was kind of excited to actually finish up the 2nd song and get going because I knew that we were already behind. Now, we are soo behind. He quit practice early and threw all of his stuff down. A lot of people were just kind of standing there, not knowing what to do next. We were all pretty surprised. I think that most of us were wondering if he was really serious about actually going home.
Instead of going home, we stayed and practiced our drill without Mr. Kaldy. Erin conducted the 2nd song and we actually did get somewhere with the drill. I really hope that tomorrow goes better. We definitely need to work on being more responsible and getting our act together. Every single one of us. So in the end, the practice was pretty much pointless.
Today, was pretty much a regular Tues./ Thurs. day. I went to school, went to tutor at Russell, and then I went to Rancho to wait for my brother and sister to get done with cross country. After they came, we went to Save Mart and got some TV dinners :P My dad was at some meeting thing and whenever he's gone, my mom never cooks. She always tells us to make a TV dinner. Whatever, I've gotten used to it.
So yesterday was Tina Nguyen's birthday party. After school, I went to Target to buy her a present. I got her some earphones b/c Julia says she goes through them really fast. After that I got to drive over to the Kang Nam Tofu House place and I was a little bit usual. The food was good. I thought I wasn't going to like tofu, but it was yummy. Everyone is always surprised that I can use chopsticks. Yes, I am whitewashed, but I am still a tiny bit Asian. Even if I don't use chopsticks the "proper way," I can use them to eat if I have to or if I want to.
After we all ate, we just hung out in front of Frozo's. I think that we were pretty loud. Some of the people inside kept looking at us. Like when 5 people tried to spell "penis" in the parking lot. Then, they took my Fruits Basket book and stuffed in down Alan Hsu's pants. I blame you, Darren Toy! Everyone picks on me. Everyone :[. I guess it's ok; I've gotten pretty used to it...
I decided not to go to the sleep
over because I think my parents might get mad if I go out all of the time. And I wanted to go somewhere the next day so I wanted some rest. Good thing too because I heard that they stayed up until 4. Instead of sleeping over at Tina's, I went to Tapioca Express w/ Wilson, Albert, Tim, Alan, Darren, Perry, Alex, and we met up with Angela. I few minutes later, Wilson reminded me that I forgot my book at Frozos! Luckily, Tim brought it. Ughhh, Tim is so weird sometimes! But at least he brought me my book :P I stayed there for awhile, but since I probably lived the farthest and I didn't have a car, I went home. Last day for sad! Truthfully, I'm gonna miss you! And everyone else who leaves for college...except for one person. I think some of you know who I won't miss ;D
Today, I woke up a little late. At like 10 and I was wondering what I was gonna do for the rest of the day. I decided to bake some cookies around 12, but then I got a phone call saying that Diana Tran, Anh Thai, April Martinez, Tram, and Christina Chi were going to go to this Fall Festival in Cupertino to meet with some DECA members. I put the cookie dough in the fridge and have yet to make it. Maybe tomorrow... No one was home because my mom, brother, and sister decided to go to San Francisco and my dad was at my other sister's volleyball tournament. Since I was home alone, they picked me up :D
The festival was fun because we got a lot of free stuff. Including a free stuffed animal. I got a moose b/c my grandma's favorite animal was a moose. We met some DECA club officers from Monta Vista and Cupertino and they are soo friendly and hyper. I was kinda tired though. After the festival, we went to Yogurtland. I only got a little bit, worth 1.98. Then we went to this other store called Daiso or something like that. It was this Asian store with a bunch of cute little things. I was pretty happy because Anh got me a lunchbox for my birthday! (which is all the way in November) But still, it was pretty cute :P I bought this other thing and then we left.
After I got home, I immediately went to MHS for open gym. I was late by about an 1 1/2 and right when I walked in the door, Sarah thew a birdie at me -____-. Sarah and I have a secret language...well, we're trying to learn piglatten. I tried to teach it to her, but she's going to make up our own language. After Sarah left, I was playing against Albert. Poor Albert, his right arm is all hurt! It was funny because he always set it up, so I could smash really easily. It landed right between his legs every time.
Monday is the first Key Club meeting! I'm excited, but at the same time, I'm also a little bit nervous. Not because I'm afraid to talk in front of people, but because I want Key Club to be really successful. Let's hope for the best :D
Getting up early for zero period has become more natural for me. Yes, I do get tired. On the upside, at least I'm awake. Volleyball with Ms. Osborne has been interesting. I would switch to softball, but I like volleyball too. Besides, I know I've gotten a little worse in volleyball, but I think that I've gotten a lot worse in softball.
We went to Junior Orientation during 2nd period. It was so funny because these too girls in the back were shouting out things like, "Hey girl, hey!"; "Hey boy, whatchu doing?"; "Oh hey whatsup girlfriend?" Another funny moment:
"And you know the most important thing this year is JUNIOR PROM!!," some Junior class officer.
"PSHHH, no. It's all about the SAT!," this guy named Edward sitting behind us.
Besides from that, orientation was boring as usual. Btw, the sophomore class is pathetic. The officers tried pumping up their class and no one cheered. Wow, P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C.
Let me just say, wow. I know it says that's my favorite word, so I use it a lot. Today, after band rehearsal, Wilson, Darren, Monika, Albert, Steven, and probably some other people were sitting at the table outside of the band room. I had my converse shoes out on the table. Wilson steals my shoes and starts tying it onto the table. I get one shoe back and then the other shoe gets stolen. Why am I such an easy target? I had to literally run after Wilson (who was on his longboard) and grab it from him. After they left, I came back and my other shoe was gone. Albert and Wilson Yu said that they saw Darren take it. So, I called Darren: no answer. Then Wilson Cheah texted me: "Are you sure you're not missing anything?" I thought they took it. Albert said that it was by the vending machines. Wilson Yu said it was on top of the vending machines. I called Wilson Cheah who told me to look in the trees. I came back and finally one shoe was on the table. I turned around and then the other one was there. Wow, is all I have to say. Luckily for you, I did not hurt Albert Jr. But you know, I would never do that on purpose. It's just fun to scare or threaten (like in How I Met Your Mother when Marshall had those slaps for Barney).
First football game was yesterday and it went pretty good. I was kinda late by maybe..5 minutes so I ran into the theater while everyone was already set up.
We marched into the bleachers and played our pep band music. I shared a stand w/ Vanessa, yay! It was really cold, but I didn't want to put on my jacket yet because I was afraid that my shirt was going to get super linty. So, I suffered for a while. When we went out on the field I was shivering from the coldness. The show went pretty good and things didn't fall apart :D
Afterwards we played more pep band music. Wilson and Darren totally snuck up on me and started blowing on my face while I was playing. I turned around and saw Darren, but I didn't notice Wilson until I felt him blow on my face again -___-. Scared me! They stayed curled up in a ball like little cats under the bleachers. Kaldy couldn't find out they were there otherwise they would have to leave. Oh and btw, Wilson is a litterbug!
Pep band was over and we went back into the extremely hot band room. Then after I got out and I was waiting for my dad to arrive, Albert and Alan started bumping and humping and "uncing" me. Saying, "UNCE, UNCE, UNCE." Wow. And I was sooo NOT jumping with them >:O.
Today, I baked a lot of cookies and now I'm going over to the park for this bday party thing to eat them :D
Are you ready for volleyball in zero period tomorrow? Excited because we finally get to do something in PE. I hope I don't suck too badly. I haven't played in years.
Are you ready to hear about my day? Probably not because it wasn't that exciting. This morning I completely forgot to do my chem hw so I had to do it in math class. Then, I found out there was a backside -____-. I couldn't really focus in chem b/c of that assignment. I'm seriously scared for chem though. We have a test either next week or next next week. GAH. After chem was journalism. I'm excited to write for the UNION! (and the onion) I hope I do well because right now, my writing is just..average.
Finally after school we had sectionals where we learned our horn manuals that we stole from the altos. It's ok, but I like it better when the Altos do it. I like their little chant that they made up. "My pimps and hos!" "Altos you know" "Wherever we go" "Altos you know!" Makes me laugh every single time. I wish flutes had some chant. Need to think of one for this year or next :P After this, we had a little drilldown. I don't really like drill downs, just because they put you under so much pressure. I guess I do well when I'm under pressure, but if I'm not focused then I definitely lose. Surprisingly, today I won. Allyson would have won if we didn't fall back in because we supposedly flinched.
This afternoon was soo hot. We repeated the drill over and over again and each second you're standing there, it seems like it gets hotter. The worst part about it was that I didn't drink any water. I finished all of mine at lunch so I didn't get any during practice. My mouth was all dry and it was hard to play the flute. I guess I have good marching technique (or so Kaldy says). He pointed me out in front of the entire band. What do you do in that situation? I didn't want to look behind me because...uhh...well all I did was put on a half smile/ half confused face.
After practice was over, immediately I went to get some water. That reminds me Allyson, I owe you a dollar.