Monday, August 17, 2009

black and white

Major tan lines from band camp. Major. At first I didn't think they were that bad, but I guess everyone said they were pretty bad. The difference was "black and white."

Starting this morning, the whole band got to cut in front of line for registration. Sucks for everyone waiting in line who had to leave and get out of line to let us cut. I was determined to get an okay looking picture this year, but as usual, it sucked. They zoomed in on my head and then they cut off part of my hair. Seriously, I hate it. I was so tempted to ask them if I could take it again. After the horrible ID pictures we got in line to look at our schedules. I'm so excited. I got all of the classes I wanted. Except, I forgot to tell Ms. Harke that I wanted to take Spanish. I knew I was missing something. I took Photography instead of Spanish, but I'll change that later.

We marched the rest of the day outside. I didn't get tan because I was wearing a shirt instead of a tank top and I made sure I applied sunscreen so I wouldn't get burned like on Friday.

I got home and yes, no US history tonight. Instead, I finished reading The Joy Luck Club a few days ago and now I'm just writing some notes in my book. I don't want to do the project, but I know that I will anyways. The book was really good. It was sad at a lot of times, but it was the good kind of sad. The sadness that touched you and got you connected with all of the characters and stories happening in the book. I wouldn't really know what being in an Asian family would feel like. Even my dad says I'm white :P

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