Sunday, August 30, 2009

following the heat

Tell me why we go on a hike on the hottest day of the summer. It was in the hundreds yesterday and my mom decided that we would all wake up at 6:45 AM, get ready and go for a hike somewhere in Saratoga. I wanted to sleep in because I didn't get home until 11 last night because Si-Yao invited me to her church. So, all I wanted was a day to relax and regain sleep from getting up early in zero period. Sadly, we still went on the hike.

It was like we were the only people there. I questioned if it was even a real path. There was a lot of poison oak and bugs too. I took my camera and took a few pictures. I really want to get it developed to see how the pics. turn out. They're from a bunch of random places (mission peak, hiking, other places XD). After the hike, we took a picture. Most people think that I'm an obedient girl that listens to whatever her parents or teachers tell her to do. Most people don't know that I don't do that all of the time. When they took the picture, I wouldn't smile. I wouldn't smile because it was not fun and I hate being forced to smile when something isn't fun. So in the picture, I put on this fake smile that looked like something was wrong with my mouth, LOL.

After the hike, I fell asleep in the car. When I got home, I crashed in my bed, but I didn't fall asleep. I was going to until Wilson texted me saying that he had a dream that I hated him. He said that all of his dreams come true, haha. It would be funny to see if actually did.

I went out to the den and watched a movie instead. Not my choice, but my sister's choice. We watched Thomas the train engine or something. How lame.

After this, we went to watch the San Jose Giants game. Yeah, the San Jose Giants (not S. F.). They won 10-3. There was this creepy guy behind us that looked homeless and kept shouting random things. His hair was all nasty and he kept saying "BOOOO." I was tempted to take a picture and put him up here, but I was scared he was going to see. Another weird thing at the game was the people who sang the Star Spangled Banner and God Bless America. That was horrid. They changed the song and they were off pitch and at times, it didn't sound like the song. The guy who sang God Bless America held this really long note and then afterwards there was complete silence in the stadium. My brother and I looked at each other and just laughed. It was as if he was waiting for applause which never came.

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